Transformational Yoga Teacher Training
in South Crete
08- 29 November 2025
Step into a life-changing experience with our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training, held in the serene beauty of Levinthos, South Crete.
Known for its spirituality, calmness, stunning beach, and authentic Greek charm, Levinthos provides the perfect setting for deep immersion into the practice of yoga, surrounded by the tranquility of the Lybean Sea and the wonders of nature.
This 22-day program is more than just a training—it’s an opportunity for profound personal and spiritual growth.
Whether you aspire to become a yoga teacher or wish to deepen your practice, this course is designed to help you build a strong foundation, refine your skills, and embark on a transformational journey.

Lisa L. Great Britain
The programme is perfectly structured with a good balance of the many aspects of yoga practice. Angelos has obviously put so much planning and detail into this programme and sets such an excellent example of what good teaching looks like.
Helga C. Belgium
Life changing experience
The environment is magical, the accomodations are great, the wonderfull cook Georgia who cooks so tasty vegetarian meals, all the staff is so wonderfull and helpfull!!
And Angelos, he's the most inspiring teacher i ever met! Honestly!
Marc S.C. France
One of the best decisions of my life
​Angelos is the key piece of everything, the perfect balance between the wisdom he learned in India and his Greek spirit.
​I have a lot of gratitude, a lot of love and joy inside and so much more to share.
What You’ll Learn:
Our comprehensive curriculum is rooted in the traditional teachings of Hatha, Vinyasa, and Restorative Yoga and designed to guide you through every aspect of yoga practice and teaching.
• Asana Practice: Deepen your understanding of poses through daily morning and evening sessions in Vinyasa, Ashtanga, and Hatha Yoga.
• Pranayama & Breathwork: Learn advanced techniques like kapalabhati and anuloma viloma to control prana and channel your energy positively.
• Meditation: Explore tools and techniques to achieve mental clarity and inner peace, going beyond the ordinary mind.
• Hands-On Assists: Master the art of alignment, adjustment, and creating a safe and supportive class environment.
• Yoga Philosophy & Psychology: Dive into the principles of yoga, including Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Jnana Yoga, as well as key teachings from the Bhagavad Gita.
• Anatomy & Physiology: Gain insights into the body’s systems and how they relate to yoga practice.
• Kriyas: Practice six classical purification exercises to cleanse and prepare the body.
• Mudra & Bandha: Learn techniques to perfect energetic seals and gestures.
• Yogic Diet & Nutrition: Explore Ayurvedic dietary principles to support your practice.
• Kirtan & Chanting: Experience the uplifting effects of classical Sanskrit chants.
• Methodology & Sequencing: Learn to design and lead impactful yoga classes with confidence.
Who Is This For?
Perfect for beginners and intermediate yogis, this training is open to anyone eager to deepen their practice, understand yoga philosophy, or pursue a teaching career. Even if you don’t plan to teach, this course offers an intense purification experience and a path to personal growth.
A Journey of Transformation
At the heart of this program is a commitment to the idea that “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self,” as written in the Bhagavad Gita.
Join us in Levinthos for a truly immersive experience that will not only refine your practice but also nurture your soul.
Reserve your spot today and take the first step toward transformation in the serene beauty of South Crete.